Hi All,
Below pl/sql code can be used to monitor datapump status.
Status of datapump is pulled from KU$_WORKERSTATUS1120, you can describe this and modify
" dbms_output.put_line( ws(ind).worker_number || ',' || ws(ind).state || ',' || ws(ind).NAME || ',' || ws(ind).object_type || ',' || ws(ind).degree || ',' || ws(ind).
percent_done || ',' ||ws(ind).COMPLETED_ROWS);" To choose the columns to monitor.
set lines 160
set feed off
set serverout on ;
ind NUMBER; -- Loop index
h1 NUMBER; -- Data Pump job handle
percent_done NUMBER; -- Percentage of job complete
job_state VARCHAR2(30); -- To keep track of job state
js ku$_JobStatus; -- The job status from get_status
ws ku$_WorkerStatusList; -- Worker status
sts ku$_Status; -- The status object returned by get_status
counter NUMBER; -- count executing workers
job_n dba_datapump_jobs.job_name%TYPE;
owner_n dba_datapump_jobs.owner_name%TYPE;
select job_name, owner_name into job_n, owner_n from sys.DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS ;
dbms_output.put_line('Owner: '||owner_n);
dbms_output.put_line('Job_name: '||job_n);
h1 := DBMS_DATAPUMP.attach(job_n, owner_n); -- job name and owner
dbms_datapump.get_status(h1,dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_error +
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_status +
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_wip, 0, job_state, sts);
js := sts.job_status;
counter := 0;
ws := js.worker_status_list;
dbms_output.put_line('*** Job percent done = ' ||to_char(js.percent_done));
dbms_output.put_line('restarts = '||js.restart_count);
ind := ws.first;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (to_char(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24:MI'));
dbms_output.put_line('Number,State,Object Name,Object Type,Parallel,Percentage Done,completed_rows');
while ind is not null loop
dbms_output.put_line( ws(ind).worker_number || ',' || ws(ind).state || ',' || ws(ind).NAME || ',' || ws(ind).object_type || ',' || ws(ind).degree || ',' || ws(ind).
percent_done || ',' ||ws(ind).COMPLETED_ROWS);
if ws(ind).state = 'EXECUTING' then
counter := counter + 1 ;
end if ;
ind := ws.next(ind);
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line ('Total Executing =' || counter );
Below pl/sql code can be used to monitor datapump status.
Status of datapump is pulled from KU$_WORKERSTATUS1120, you can describe this and modify
" dbms_output.put_line( ws(ind).worker_number || ',' || ws(ind).state || ',' || ws(ind).NAME || ',' || ws(ind).object_type || ',' || ws(ind).degree || ',' || ws(ind).
percent_done || ',' ||ws(ind).COMPLETED_ROWS);" To choose the columns to monitor.
set lines 160
set feed off
set serverout on ;
ind NUMBER; -- Loop index
h1 NUMBER; -- Data Pump job handle
percent_done NUMBER; -- Percentage of job complete
job_state VARCHAR2(30); -- To keep track of job state
js ku$_JobStatus; -- The job status from get_status
ws ku$_WorkerStatusList; -- Worker status
sts ku$_Status; -- The status object returned by get_status
counter NUMBER; -- count executing workers
job_n dba_datapump_jobs.job_name%TYPE;
owner_n dba_datapump_jobs.owner_name%TYPE;
select job_name, owner_name into job_n, owner_n from sys.DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS ;
dbms_output.put_line('Owner: '||owner_n);
dbms_output.put_line('Job_name: '||job_n);
h1 := DBMS_DATAPUMP.attach(job_n, owner_n); -- job name and owner
dbms_datapump.get_status(h1,dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_error +
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_job_status +
dbms_datapump.ku$_status_wip, 0, job_state, sts);
js := sts.job_status;
counter := 0;
ws := js.worker_status_list;
dbms_output.put_line('*** Job percent done = ' ||to_char(js.percent_done));
dbms_output.put_line('restarts = '||js.restart_count);
ind := ws.first;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (to_char(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24:MI'));
dbms_output.put_line('Number,State,Object Name,Object Type,Parallel,Percentage Done,completed_rows');
while ind is not null loop
dbms_output.put_line( ws(ind).worker_number || ',' || ws(ind).state || ',' || ws(ind).NAME || ',' || ws(ind).object_type || ',' || ws(ind).degree || ',' || ws(ind).
percent_done || ',' ||ws(ind).COMPLETED_ROWS);
if ws(ind).state = 'EXECUTING' then
counter := counter + 1 ;
end if ;
ind := ws.next(ind);
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line ('Total Executing =' || counter );
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