Friday, February 19, 2010

How to generate the excel format in sqlplus

How to generate the excel format:

1. How to generate the excel format:
sql>set linesize 32000
sql>set pagesize 32000
sql>set head on
sql>set echo off
sql>set colsep','
sql>spool /tmp/output222.csv
sql>spool off
: wc

Check if OS is 32/64 bit..

Check 32/64 bit
AIX: getconf -a | grep KERN OR file
Sun: isainfo -v
Linux: uname -a

'file' command works on all unix platforms

Oracle workflow notification mailer sql's

Oracle workflow notification mailer sql's

1. Workflow: version
2. check workflow status.
3. check if workflow is used by only one instance
4. check if processor_read_timeout_close is set to 'Y'
5. check for bad e-mail address
6. How to know mail sent to a user with details:
7. How to know whether it is set to correct url from porfile options:
8. How to know reqid, process id, sid..
9. workflow patches
10. Workflow: To see failed, open notifications
11. To check if email address, notification preference, display_name
12. How to know workflow responsibility from backend:
13. Steps to drop and recreate WF_CONTROL queue:

1. Workflow: version

2. check workflow status.
set linesize 120
set pagesize 50
column COMPONENT_NAME format a45
column STARTUP_MODE format a15
column COMPONENT_STATUS format a15
select fsc.COMPONENT_NAME,fsc.STARTUP_MODE,fsc.COMPONENT_STATUS,fcq.last_update_date
from APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_VL fcq, fnd_svc_components fsc
where fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)

Oracle E-business suite logs clean up

 Oracle E-business suite logs clean up #!/bin/bash cd $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME find $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME -type f -path "*/logs/*.log?*" -mtime...